Friday, September 17, 2010

What is Brain tumour?


A brain tumour is defined as an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. It is a neoplasm within the brain in the central spinal canal. Any brain tumer is endangered and life threatening. Although every brain tumour do not cause to death. Its threat level depends on the type of the brain tumour, its location and size and the stage of the brain tumour. Brain tumour is generally located in the cerebral hemispheres in the adults and in the posterior cranial fossa in the children.

Brain tumour can be Benign or Malignant.

Benign brain tumuor

A benign brain tumour is that which does not contain cancer cells. It can be removed successfully by the doctor and not much life threatened to humen. But it seldom growing back. And it is danger when it’s turned to malignant brain tumour.

Malignant brain tumour

A malignant brain tumour is that which contain cancer cells. It is more serious and life threatening to the patient. It grows rapidly and invade speedily to the surrounding brain tissues.

Symptoms of brain tumuor

Symptoms of brain tuomour may vary from case to case, but some most common symptoms are here.


Nausea or vomiting.

Change in speech or vision or hearing.

Problem of balancing the body and problems in working.

Problems relating to memory.

Brain tomour diagnoses

Brain tumour can be diagnosed by the doctors in following ways.

Physical examination: By the physical examination Doctor see the general sign of health of the body like alertness and coordination of the body and mind, strength of physical body, response of body to pain etc.

Neurological Examination: In the neurological examination doctor use various hi fi medical like:

CT scan



Skull x-ray

Spinal tap



Treatments of Brain tumour

Treatment of brain tumour is depending upon the type and stage of the brain tumour. It may be:


Radiation therapy


Or combination of all of these therapies.

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